About Us
SouthStar Exhibits is a full service Trade Show company and custom exhibit builder. Based in Houston, Texas and founded in 2009 on the simple premise that quality service for a fair price would generate repeat business to sustain us and it has. Whether you are responsible for one tradeshow or one hundred we understand that your project is the most important. We never fail to recognize this and treat you and your project accordingly. We spend the time and exert the effort required to insure materials arrive on time, trucks are on schedule, labor is coordinated and completion times are achieved. From design to delivery we pay attention to the details. Let us prove to you that we are in the lead when it comes to customer retention.
What We Do
A provider of displays with service and support to exhibitors throughout North America and Europe. We have a wide variety of products from banner stands to custom fabricated displays which we design and manufacture to your specific needs. We also have options from recognized industry leaders in the portable and modular world with Nimlok, Orbus and Classic Exhibits; offering popups, inline displays, rental furniture, accessories to compliment, and much more.
- Design
- Storage
- Logistics
- Supervision
- Show Services
- Graphic Output
- Custom Fabrication
- Installation & Dismantle
Our goal at SouthStar is to provide personalized and professional service to our valued clients allowing them to concentrate on their products and success. No matter how simple or complex you can rely on SouthStar Exhibits for your Complete Trade Show program.
Our Team